Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Devlin Dubois: Sean Flanery's Alter Ego

Copyright to Sean Patrick Flanery
Yesterday I was just going to bed when Devlin Dubois tweeted. He's a very funny, cynical and he likes to confront Sean. Both had a little fight on Twitter last night and none wanted to lose. It was really interesting.

Everybody has an alter ego. But what is an alter ego anyway? Psychology explains that it is another self. There are people even with more than four alter egos! Myself has one, and he is a man. But let's forget me and talk about Sean's alter ego, Devlin Dubois.

Devlin seems to be Sean's number 1 rival. He's much older than Sean. Both are Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, but Devlin knows Judo too (according to Twitter's little "fight" yesterday, he's training American Judokas to the Olympic Games in London). Still, Sean is black belt in Karate. Devlin is also a womanizer, enjoys company of pretty women. He likes to flirt a lot. An idea to catch Devlin's attention: Be a beautiful woman. Ha!

The guy has a strong Texan accent even when he writes. Sean made a reference from Tarantino's Pulp Fiction last night as Devlin tweeted: English. Do you speak it? - That's because of Devlin's way to write.

Here is a video with Devlin for you to know him better:
People say this video is from 1982 (?), hahaha!

What made me write this post is because I could see myself as Sean/Devlin. Let me explain: I also have an alter ego and I like to show everyone about it (although I won't say who he is). And Sean and Devlin fighting last night was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. No kidding! Both make me laugh a lot. I'm very happy Devlin exists. I wonder if he's going to show up on Brazilian Twempirians' group one day to tell us he's better than Sean hahaha! And Sean won't make it easy, of course!

Devlin Dubois = Genius created by another genius

Jessica Nunes (@_nunesjessica)

1 comment:

  1. Ok. Jess, you got an alter ego? LOL I wonder who he is. Mine is a girl - Scarlet - no problem sayin that, but I dont show her around. It's just something I kept to myself =). Well, I do love Devlin and it's amazing knowing how Sean likes to provoke people and how these people deal with his jokes. Thanks for the FANTASTIC explanation!!!
